Testing out a new blogging app on the phone that allows multiple pictures, and hopefully will not turn my text into haikus. Let's see how it works!
So, here is our power system. Also known as "the contraption that turns much gasoline into little electricity". Since we use almost no electrical devices, it is basically a ridiculously innefficient money sink... Why?
Because we can't let these guys go below 50%...
That's our 24v battery system, which I believe are already ruined, and which were costing me $70 a week in gas when it was 4.50 a gallon. It's gotten better by reprogramming the charge controler, but when the revolution comes, they'll be thefirst against the wall.
All this; Despite our beautiful panels. We're pulling in 1-1.4 kw hours a day during the summer with these little guys, but in our current winter days, they are simply fun to look at. We could use more panels when the sun comes back next spring, but I bet with better batteries, these two would meet all our needs.
Which is where this little guy comes in. It's a little 3.5kw generator from harbor freight. We've got a larger 5kw Honda we use when pumping water, but it uses way more gas, so we only use it to charge the batteries when pumping water. This one runs about 90 minutes on a gallon of gas providing 18 amps to these:
...The brains behind the operation; overkill for the moment, but as we add other electrical generators, be it solar, wind, or orgone, it will accomodate.
All-in-all, kerosine lanterns and a pocket battery charger would probably suit our needs at the moment, but if we shut down the system now, our batteries die; lesson learned; the big solar system should go in last. . .