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Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Getting there is All The Fun - Guerrilla Camping 101.10

Draft originally posted at The Guerrilla News Network. Included here with GNN commentary courtesy of the GNN Archive.
4 years ago

Pepper Spray?

Bear Mace!

4 years ago

“You’ve got eons of intuition built into you; trust it.”

Well put, Sir.

4 years ago

Awesome blog, as is becoming tediously usual from you :D Can you put one out that sucks just so the rest of us feel better?

4 years ago


4 years ago

Snark, it’s getting tedious doing these so well. Believe it or not, from start to finish this one took longer than any of the others. I had hoped to put it up after the one I’ve written on navigation, but that one is stuck until I overcome my fear of putting images in here. (My formatting experiments have been less than good) That one has taken nearly four weeks thus far.

Thanks for all the feedback, everybody. I’m going to try and drop a guerrilla bomb tonight and get another one up, and update the tent and stove articles to include images. Lets see if I can do it….

One hygiene blog coming up!

4 years ago

Just resize the pictures to less than 400px wide (and any length), then post them.

! url !

without spaces and you should be fine

4 years ago

but that one is stuck until I overcome my fear of putting images in here. (My formatting experiments have been less than good)

Having trouble getting pics posted right?

To just post the image:

! ! —— no spaces

For bigger pictures that don’t fit into a blog or forum thread:

Make the pic clickable to see the full picture

This one is easy…

! ! : —- no spaces

just add a colan : right after the exclamation point, then repeat the link address.

Using that same method, you can make pic a direct link to another site, just by adding the address after the colan.

There is even a way to make a “mouse over” custom caption appear over the pic, but I forgot that one…

4 years ago

yeah, what fen said. :-P

4 years ago

great work man. one minor objection…

Knives are among the most useful tools but rank as the most foolish weapon

only for people who assume they’re easy to use. still, the pepper spray suggestion is excellent, far easier to use, especially in a panic situation.

4 years ago

only for people who assume they’re easy to use. still, the pepper spray suggestion is excellent, far easier to use, especially in a panic situation.

Not everyone is a Kung Fu Master, Toad. ;-)

4 years ago

Oh, for that one you do this:

! (tegu vs husky round 1) !

Without spaces

tegu vs husky round 1

Then for those skilled in super duper sekrit advanced textilationatory masturbationelation you can have it link to a site and have the mouse over caption:

! (tegu vs husky round 1) !:

Not for the faint of heart.

tegu vs husky round 1

Again, without spaces.

4 years ago


4 years ago

i’m sure i don’t know what you’re talking about. ;^D

the biggest problem you’ll face in any physical confrontation is fear, which can result in anything from physical paralysis to involuntary urination. it could make almost any weapon, including your own hands, nearly impossible to use.

pepper spray is safer than a knife by far, but not without it’s dangers. i don’t say this for comedy’s sake, but make sure you’re pointing the nozzle at your target!! if you’re keeping it in your pocket, as BP recommends, and you can discreetly feel for the opening before you pull it out of your pocket, do so – and try to remember not to bring that finger into contact with your face after the confrontation.

if you choose to use a knife, i personally prefer a backhand technique (holding it so the blade protrudes from the “bottom” of a closed fist). this way the blade is harder to redirect back into your vital areas. it’s only really useful for slashing attacks, but the slashing motion with this grip imitates the kinds of punches most people are used to throwing, as opposed to a “front” grip, which requires different motions to effectively slash. slashes are a better deterrant than stabs, because they connect much more easily and produce a lot more blood with less chance of mortal injury.

the most important guideline for handling any weapon is, if you’re gonna pull it out, USE IT. don’t just threaten, use it as quickly and devastatingly as possible, and then get as far away from the situation as possible.

having said that, it’s also extremely important to mind your surroundings. if the target in question is currently driving the car, which is speeding down the highway, that might not be the best time to attack – unless you feel your life is in imminent enough danger that attacking immediately is worth the risk. however, most likely, you’ll be able to wait until the car has stopped before attacking.

4 years ago

what toad said.

4 years ago

Toad, true. In the hands of a skilled knife fighter, a knife is a great weapon. The problem lies in legality. A knife is considered a deadly weapon. If used in self defense, it is excusable, but the rub lies therein.

In most situations, I do great with my hands and feet. I’m not a martial arts master, but have yet to be bested on the street. Even though I carry a knife at all times, and I have been in situations I would have been justified in using it, I never have. By the time the use of a knife becomes needed, it’s often too late to pull. I’m not going to pull a knife for a shouting match, and once it’s no longer a shouting match, the knife doesn’t matter, since getting it out would expose me too much.

Now, on the other hand, if I guy is screaming and putting his face in mine, trying to start a fight, I will gladly shove a can of pepper spray in his mouth. It’s like white-out for mistakes that masquarade as people. And if it doesn’t stop a situation, it certianly gives me an upperhand, not to mention that in a pinch, most pepper spray cans are the perfect size for a fist pack.

I may not be a pacifist, but I certainly prefer non-lethal weaponry. And Hagcel, on the bearmace idea, I’ve joked that putting an Air Horn head on one of those hair-spray sized cans of bear mace would take defense sprays out of the realm of self defense and into the realm of entertainment. HONK!

4 years ago

Oh, and Rich, you rock! I’m going to play with pictures now… Thanks a billion. That makes much more sense than the textile link on the add new entry page.

4 years ago

Third comment in a row. . .

I’m a retard. That was easy. Now I need to write captions. You’ll notice that the tent blog is missing. It’s back in draft status as I finish getting the pictures up. I will hopefully have it up tomorrow. Thank you for the help.

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