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Sunday, October 30, 2005

Burn Baby Burn! - Guerilla Camping 101.5

Draft originally posted at The Guerrilla News Network. Included here with GNN commentary courtesy of the GNN Archive.
4 years ago

Another great entry, I have nothing to add except what your title referenced:
To Build a Fire – Jack London
Sometimes fiction drives a point home better than anything.

4 years ago

another great chapter

4 years ago

As usual, a fantastic blog….can’t tell you how much I enjoy these. Well-written, entertaining, and insanely useful.
I wanted to comment specifically on your practices of minimizing the impact your fire has on the forest floor. I can’t tell you how glad it makes me that you included that. The forest floor is absolutely loaded with bacteria, fungi, and other decomposers that are absolutely essential to the functioning of the ecosystem- they break down leaf litter and return the nutrients to the soil and the plants. Carefully clearing your fire ring and later replacing the layers of humus-rich soil you displace is a really important thing to do from an ecological standpoint. Likewise, the huge, hot, smoky campfire does indeed totally sterilize the soil underneath it to a depth of at least a foot. If you’re making one in an established campground, the fire rings there are basically sacrifice zones, but making one on virgin ground is a bad idea. A small fire minimizes the damage.

4 years ago


4 years ago

Not only does fire sterlize, that humus and duff, once dried by the fire above it becomes flamable. I have seen fires spread underground, requiring lots of digging (and thus trashing) of the forest floor. Honestly, a cook fire is best made inside a hobo stove, but until I get some way to put photos and illustrations in here, I’m skipping stoves and how to string up a tarp.

4 years ago

Another great way to start a fire:
Fuck tinder. Take about three feet of toilet paper and wrap it around your hand. Hold the top in about hal way, then flip it over on your hand and fold the bottom in about half way, making a donut. Set under kindling, ignite and get warm. And if you don’t carry toilet paper, you’re a savage, you can probably start fires with a hard gaze.

4 years ago

Fun ways to start fire: Magnifying glass and cotton ball, Hemp rope and flint/tinder, and my favorite Steel wool and a 9volt battery.
Not for conservationists:
Fill a coffee can with gasoline get a buncha styrofoam and drop it in the can. Watch as it melts, fill with styrofoam until it reaches its solubility point.
You now have a coffee can full of napalm.

4 years ago

And if you don’t carry toilet paper, you’re a savage, you can probably start fires with a hard gaze.
That stuff just doesn’t decompose, man. Sits there for years (or months, maybe… I do know it is unpleasant to find a lump of the stuff laying there, grinning smugly up at you, under the rock you just picked up for the same purpose). Unless you’re in an all-evergreen forest, you can find some nice big leaves to wipe your ass with, perfectly good. Smooth stones also do the trick, but their fixed shape means you’ll want to finish up with something that can bend to your peculiar form, just to get everything.
Unfortunately I haven’t yet mastered the evil eye thing.

4 years ago

Thats why you burn it or pack it out. I should have mentioned above that uded toilet paper works even better, but wait a few minutes before cooking on it.
Tha magnifying glass thing is fun. I use a lensatic marching compas and can start fires with the lens on that. The most fun is the bow drill. Especially if you are bored at a camp site and make one using chipped rocks and foraged cordage.

Guerrilla Conditioning - Guerrilla Camping 101.4

Draft originally posted at The Guerrilla News Network. Included here with GNN commentary courtesy of the GNN Archive.
4 years ago

Dude, your post makes me want to get out of my office job and go hiking for a few months SO BADLY. SHIT. SHIT SHIT SHIT.

I’m ready: running, boxing, yoga, and weight-lifting keep me in shape. But the morning routine of break-down, the all day exertion of walking/jogging, the hanging from oak limbs, etc. Man it all sounds SO GOOD.

Post Modified: 10/30/05 05:51:11

4 years ago

you need to put all this stuff into a book, a manual of sorts. it would be a great buy for the guerrilla set, whether they are getting ready for Armageddon, the collapse of Western society, a revolution or just to get in shape.

4 years ago

yes, stretching is crucial.

very true about exercise being and effective warm-up. i’ve always said that those who heat themselves with wood are lucky, because it warms them three times. once when they collect it, once when they chop it, and then again when they burn it. wood chopping is excellent exercise. just be sure to keep good posture and lift with your legs, not your back.

i think trek poles are rediculous, but that’s just my opinion.

good post my friend, as always. keep up the good work. let’s go tackle a fourteener sometime. i live in the midst of many.

4 years ago

4 years ago

The bent-leg slow quasi-run gait you describe perfectly describes how I’ve seen the hill people of Nepal walk. They never lock a knee or come down stiffly; their legs are nearly always bent, their steps very short, and they seem to glide smoothly more than stomp. Westerners tend to take big long strides, lunging from each step, and when heading downhill tend to keep their legs straight, jacking their foot hard into the ground and taking the shock straightlegged, not absorbing it by flexing the knees. It takes just an unbelievable amount of leg strength, but I’ve hiked many miles this way, and it’s just vastly more efficient and comfortable. It’s also easier to maintain good footing, and you remain more stable with a heavy load. Considering that the Nepalis regularly carry 90-120lb loads over rough trails that can gain a thousand meters in just a couple of kilometers, it’s unsurprising that they’ve developed such a perfect hiking style.

Also, shifty- I’m in the Denver area, but I’ll PM you if I’m ever in your neck of the woods. I’d definitely like to claim a 14er in the name of GNN....

4 years ago

Shiftshaper, You got me prompted to do a new GC on fire building with that remark. Yes, building a fire is a definate warm up. And I also think trek poles are ridiculous, but I want to try them just so I can say that I know they are ridiculous.

Digruntled. Do it. It’s surprisingly easy to get out for a day a week and I can’t tell you how much perspective it gives you on everything that happens back “in society”.

Anthony. A book would be great, and if enough gorillas bought it, I suppose I could stop spending so much time working in cafes and diners. I’d still want it to be free though. So, know any publishers?

4 years ago

Oh yeah, and a 14er sounds great. If things keep going as I plan, I should be in Colorado spring of 2007. If Anthony provides a flag, let’s plant one on Mt. Elbert.

4 years ago

It appears that your GC blog info is being posted by other people at other sites. Maybe claiming that they’re the ones who’re the original writers. Maybe it’s you, posting your info under alias’ at different site’s. In any case, I saw this on a website called Libertythink, and they posted their link to the GC 101.1 as having originated at, which is where the following link will take you. Just thought you may be interested in knowing.


- Ø®£Z –

4 years ago

P.s. Silverback is Stephen, not Anthony ;)

4 years ago

i also recommend these Wilderness Manuals.

4 years ago

yeah, only THAT posting of GC 101.1 had a few little extras, including firearms:

Communications: Remember, that every US-made cell phone manufactured after 2002, by Federal law, contains a GPS monitoring device; and probably do most late-model foreign brands. They know where you are. If you have to be in contact, probably best to freshen up and walk down to a streetside pay phone. If you forsee that that is not going to be possible: buy a prepaid cheapie, use it only if your life or situation depends on it, turn it off (and remove the battery, if it’s a removable-battery model) when you’re not on it, and destroy it when you no longer need it.

Your Friend: Everyone has a different preference as to firearms. You’re sleeping and walking alone, so you will want to carry one. This little essay is not about the hunting expedition – you’re just moving from place to place—, so carry a fairly disposable old standby, a dozen rounds should be plenty, and use your best discretion.

if you are not the one posting this stuff on that site, Blackpacker, you might want to do something about it.

4 years ago

I was wondering, and looking forward to another one of your “Guerrilla Camping” posts…

4 years ago


There is an agent I can try to hook you up with. The key will be to get the whole ‘book’ figured out and then completed. At this point, you could probably do another 5 chapters so that there are 10 in total, go over them to make sure everything is there that you want and then we can see if the agent will take it on. If not, I know a small publisher who might be interested. Only problem is that they pay very little in an advance…

You can send me a message if you want to discuss more.

4 years ago

I was thinking 10 chapters myself. I’ll send you a message about it once I get closer to 9. Also, I went back and edited the food section to include a bit of bear bagging info, and am planning on doing the same to GC 1 and 2.

Thanks for the heads up on the SIA reposting, OG. I went in there and posted, and they fixed the header. Unfortunately, I was at a friends house during a halloween party and spelled my name PlackPacker, so now they probably think I’ve got bad teeth.

4 years ago

BP, you should also mention the importance of stretching while hiking. As you walk, you calf muscles, due to all that stress will tighten over the course of a day. I always strecth my calves every thirty minutes to avoid muscle tears,

4 years ago

Rooftops. In the city look for rooftops that are low enough to scramble up on from a dumpster or a fire escape. Garage rooftops, unused buildings’ rooftops, commercial outbuildings all work but consider how you will get down unnoticed in the morning. I use a blue tarp to cover with in the city. People see them everywhere and are unconcerned to see one on a rooftop. Be safe. Be awake. Be the change.

4 years ago

2 words: Mole Skin

4 years ago

Moleskin is first aid.

Guerilla man, It’s funny you mention that about tarps, I was writing the camoflage blog when you posted that. Green tarps are just as common, and less obvious in the woods. Rooftops though are great. I should include a section in campsite selction when I revise it.

Hagcel, stretching while hiking is definatly important. I don’t stop to stretch usually, though. Instead I take a few minutes to walk slowly doing calf stretches as I go. They definately let me know when they need it.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Thought for Food - Guerrilla Camping 101.3

Draft originally posted at The Guerrilla News Network. Included here with GNN commentary courtesy of the GNN Archive.
4 years ago

i highly recommend these books.

4 years ago

I don’t think you have any verbosity to apologize for. Frankly, I think you’re publishable. I’ve paid for less useful writing than this.
As long as you keep writing, I’ll keep reading.

4 years ago

this is kinda cool, though a localized (because they’re smaller) edible plants and herbs guide, and/or a mushroom guide would be even better. with mushrooms, be sure to double-check your guide and look closely at the specifics of the ID description, because many choise edibles have poisonous and even deadly look-alikes.
trackertrail is an informative site.
and of course:
*At Home in the Wilderness*
_by Tom Brown, Jr._
I: Shelter
II: Water
III: Fire
IV: Hunting and Traps
V: Edible Plants
VI: Survival Cooking
VII: Animal Tracking
VIII: Basic Skills and Lost-Proofing
IX: Advanced Survival Shelters
Other articles by Tom Brown, Jr.
Making Natural Cordage
Be a Back-to-the-Basics Bowyer
Post Modified: 10/22/05 21:59:50

4 years ago

The reason I advocate the Mabey guide is the fact that it identifies individual edible portions of plants and the seasons in which they are edible, along with providing great full colored pictures. I had an old guide with hand drawings, but got so hungry after not recognizing anything that I ate it.
Thanks for the feedback DD.
That At Home in the Wilderness series is great. I love it.

4 years ago

i couldn’t get parts III & IV formatted correctly, as you probably noticed. some textile bug i guess.
on edit: two underscores between Wilderness and Part and two between III and Fire.
textile bugs out with web addresses with more than one underscore in a row
Post Modified: 10/22/05 21:36:15

4 years ago

it’s because some of the addresses have three underscores in a row which textile tries to recognise as italics, i think. anyways, even if i post the address it won’t work, because it takes out an underscore
there should be three underscores beween Hunting and Trapps on the above addy. weird textile bug.
Post Modified: 10/22/05 21:33:51

4 years ago

Your series of survival blogs are awesome. I’m very interested in buying a book like “Food For Free”, but particularly geared towards plantlife in the Pacific Northwest (British Columbia/Washington State area). Does anyone have any suggestions?

4 years ago

MH – when in the PcNW, i eat salmon and raspberries, and other fruits i find. occasionally we’d get shellfish. don’t know of any good guide books for the area, sorry. if i come across one, i’ll post it here.

4 years ago

4 years ago

love your blogs, always vote 5, however, you seem inordinately attatched to the Structure. what would you do w/o an atm?

4 years ago

i have this awesome tool for making fire… FOREVER... wanna buy it?

4 years ago

layoff king, he is validly pointing out the obvious, you mentally challenged midget

4 years ago

god i love your blogs.
i agree with duckie; you have no reason to apologize, and I’ve definitely paid money to read less talented writers.
keep blogging, keep writing, keep backpacking my dear.

4 years ago

Actually ive learned ALL my survival techniques from SAS manuals. For general camping, hiking, and survival trips i recommend “Essential SAS Survival” by Barry Davies, hes cant be active duty SAS or he wouldnt disclose his name, so hes ex-SAS...

4 years ago

king – hence my comment on a previous guerrilla backpacking entry:what do we do when the stores all close their doors?

4 years ago

Excellent stuff.
For the stove, I have been messing around with perlite as a fuel (using alcohol as a “wick”) and it seems to work rather well – burns longer and need to carry very little alcohol. Haven’t field-tested it yet, but it looks promising so far.
Dead-on on the oatmeal thing, ruined my taste for it for months on one trip (same goes for grits). Dried fruit or fresh berries help liven it up a bit though.
what do we do when the stores all close their doors?
I have some ideas in mind for this that I am trying to put into a coherent form – may blog it in the next few days.

4 years ago

what do we do when the stores all close their doors?
Wait ‘til the morning? Or if it is a holiday then find a place that is open or wait until the next day? If it’s a Sunday and one of those arcane places that still closes then either go somewhere else or brick them into the 21st century.

4 years ago

Perlite? Is that shit flammable? Awesome….I wanna know more.

4 years ago

right on man, 5 from me…
don’t know why it took me so long to read your stuff, but keep it coming!

4 years ago

Kong, I am attached to the system. I have spent nine years trying to be as dis-attached as possible. Right now, I know the name of the farm where my flour comes from. I’ve met the guy who runs it, and I’ve walked by the mill that grinds it. I still buy it at a store, but I know to guy who owns the store, too. Yes, this makes me inordinately attached to the system, but it also means that I have created a system of my own. Some anarchist theorist once said, “You are only as free as your circle of friends.”
Maxbooze: SAS novels are fun. But only if you read them where you can use them as activity books.
As to, What do we do when the stores close their doors?
You walk up to the door of a farm house. Knock heartily, and say, “Hey Mike. Remember me? Yeah, I fixed those fences for you last year for some corn and a place to pitch my tent. You know, the stores have all closed their doors, so I need corn and potatoes. I’ll help you on your farm if I can have that acre pasture over there to grow a garden.”
There. I’ve got an out. If the collapse comes next year, I’ve got plenty of places to hide out and grow food. However, if the collapse comes in five, I should already be on my own land and growing. I can sit out in the middle of nowhere, right now and I make enough electricity to power everything I own. However, I don’t expect to walk into a pasture and pull potatoes out of the ground. That will take a year or two, and up to five before I can call my field a true sustenance farm.
By the time I finished college, I was so aware of the un-sustainability of our economic, political, agricultural (and even social) systems that I spent a year working 9-5 while spending my free time looking for a way to change it all. In the end I had put into action a plan to think globally, act personally. If society should use solar power, than I should be able to power everything I own solar panels. I did it for under fifty bucks, and that includes the wreckage of me learning to solder. Oh my god, we’re going to run out of gas? Learn to cook with alcohol and wood and make sure you’re a strong walker.
I feel that I have succeeded at this point of creating a sustainable community of one person. I am however tied to the machinations of our unsustainable commerce. It is difficult to wash the smell of petroleum off my rice, but I manage. The sweat from carrying it works like jasmine out there. I don’t think the stores are all going to close. There will be a fundamental shift in the way we live. It may be uncomfortable for those who aren’t adaptable. But if you want to learn adaptability, be professionally migrant for nine years.
For the record, I haven’t had an ATM card since halfway though college when I realized money was a drug. I have a savings account, but I rarely need to use it.
So, to answer your question about what will we do when the stores all close? We’ll flirt with the waitress next door and get our bocaburger and beer for free. In short. Improvise. I just started improvising a bit ahead of schedule.
Sisyphus, I enjoyed your earlier posts and if you can come up with a good answer to the question above, please do. I have no answer as to how to do it as a society. I had to figure out how to do it to myself first, and I’m only part way there.

4 years ago

4 years ago

I wasnt implying novels like “Bravo Two-Zero” i was talking about ACTUAL SAS SURVIVAL MANUALS. Written by ex-SAS they are probably the best survival books you can get. Ive learned TONS of survival skills on top of my already vast knowledge…

4 years ago

BP as you know better than most, it’s insanely difficult to disattach yourself from the system. i’ve been taking baby steps, one at a time, for almost a decade, and i’m nowhere near as close to off the grid as i’d like to be.
others at this site have gone much farther than myself and, i’d wager, would say the same thing.

4 years ago

I really dont care about this, because the only good thing about being a developing (and not developed) nation is that our natural resources are almost intact, while you guys need to pour 3 oil-calories for each meal-calorie.
Its like supernovas: they are brighter, but last several times less than normal stars.
Anyways, good luck with the whole hunting thing…

4 years ago

Perlite? Is that shit flammable?
Actually, it isn’t flammable. I shouldn’t have called it “fuel” – that is still the alcohol. It is just a lightweight substrate for the alcohol that supposedly allows for a longer and more consistent burn with less alcohol needed. I am going to put it through some tests against a standard homemade alcohol stove to see if that is true.
Simple Perlite-alcohol stove design
Post Modified: 10/23/05 20:54:45

4 years ago

Marchhare – I’m very interested in buying a book like “Food For Free”, but particularly geared towards plantlife in the Pacific Northwest (British Columbia/Washington State area). Does anyone have any suggestions?
Since we already covered this elsewhere, I figured I would link some related stuff:
Wildflower Center bibliography by region
(great resource I just came across recently – lists books on flora by region and gives an idea of what type of guide each is)
Foraging and Ethnobotany Links Page
(awesome collection of stuff)
Forager Community Pages
(be very cautious about wild mushrooms – even the experts can be fooled)
Getting a general edible wild plant guide and one specific to your region would be a good idea. Implementing and practicing what you read is crucial of course.
Post Modified: 10/24/05 02:28:00

4 years ago

Blackpacker, you’re Guerrilla Camping blog entry’s are good reads.
Thanks :)
Your Geurrilla Camping blog entries have claimed the top spot at Google ;)

- Ø®£Z –

4 years ago

Not meaning to litter your blog, but I could of sworn that I correctly used “your” instead of “you’re” in that above comment :s
I meant for those to be “your”, not “you’re”
- Ø®£Z –

4 years ago

BP, I dig your food selection. I’m fortunate enough to have a great bulk co-op nearby where I can get all this stuff. I started “living cheap” a few years back and started learning how to make everything myself. It helps that my mother was forced to do it to keep us fed growing up. She taught me all about soda bread, although I’m convinced I make it better than her now.
But your stove. Don’t get me wrong. I’ve built tons of alcohol stoves, and always carry one with a bit of rubbing alcohol (yes, I know methylated spirits are better, but you can use the alcohol for hygiene too) and use it to cook trail lunches since it’s so easy to set up, but the amount of fuel it needs is ridiculous and the heat produced makes it impossible to use for melting snow and if you mismeasure the alcohol, your stove goes out before stuff is cooked, and crunchy rice sucks. Oh yeah, and I can cook rice.
But, the true reason I got the whisperlite (Other than how cheap I got it on Ebay) is the fact that is the lightest multi-fuel stove around. I don’t believe all the stores are going to close their doors, but if they do, it’s good to know I can forage for gasoline by hunting cars. It runs off automobile fuel, kerosene and white fuel (Coleman lantern fuel), Their new XGK stove burns all these AND biodiesel so I might eventually spring for one if I find it used and cheap.
The system is amazingly efficient. It’s two nesting cookpots, inside of which nest a heat diffuser, a wind screen, and the stove. The fuel Bottle has a pump to pressurize it, allowing you the woosh of a canister stove without the waste of disposable canisters. The heat diffuser is a metal affair that allows the flame of the stove to directed around the outside of the pot, drastically reducing energy waste and meaning less fuel to carry. One fuel bottle is enough for four or five days, and once after using it way too much I ran out of fuel mid-trip. I night hiked four miles to the park’s parking lot and “found” gasoline to run it off of. (Yes, my cook set includes four feet of thin plastic tubing and yes, I thought of that before it happened).
The weight of the system is not much of an issue since my GF walks with me most of the time, so we have a lot of “shared weight” (usually meaning I carry it for both of us) in the form of tents, cook sets, etc.
The only major draw back to the stove is what people online call the jet scream. The thing wooshes. Loudly. It doesn’t scare animals like they say, but it is not silent. I actually think the sound of it summons raccoons at campgrounds, since they know its dinner time.
I understand the weight / ratio, and I don’t think you should switch if the alcohol stove works for you, but I wanted to put something in here as an answer what we’ll do when the stores all close. I’ll siphon.
Keep it up man, you’ve got quite a knack for DIY writing. If you can, you should post a picture of your stove, I’d love to see what design elements you use.

4 years ago

hagcel/blackpacker –
the answer is whatever works of course. I love the whisperlite but like my “luxury model” dragonfly even more (will be taking a look at the XGK for the hell of it soon – even though a new bag is far higher on my list of to-get things). From the way I see it, knowing how to put together a “hobo stove” quickly is far more important than using it on a regular basis (but props to those who do). This is the reason I have even been screwing around with perlite – which really seems to add little to the stove’s efficiency.
As long as I can afford to buy/acquire gas, and have tools to keep it going, I will use the MSR. When that fails, I hope to have the homemade stove pegged. I really don’t see a big issue in the weight difference since most of the mass/energy spent will be in fuel anyhow – but I, like hagcel, also have the 2 person hike-thru thing going (and 2 dogs with packs and harnesses to help).

4 years ago

4 years ago

I carried a coleman peak for a while when I first started out. After a while, I got sick of cleaning all the stuff and learned to cook with less and less. The peak also had the ability to run of unleaded, but I seldom used it. The prblem with gas stoves is gas. You have to buy a gallon of this stuff even if you only need 16 ounces. Methylated Spirits are more available than coleman fuel, and I don’;t mind carry a medium sized can of it. It may not be economic, but it’s light and lets me resupply fuel without giving away the other 3/4 gallon I can;t carry wth meI like the idea of a syphon tube though. I might give it a try if I go back to a commercial stove.
I like the idea of biodeisel A LOT. Now we just need sombody to write about how to make biodeisel in a backpack and we’re hooked up.

4 years ago

You could do it in a nalgene bottle, I betcha. You’d need to do a lot of shaking, but it’d be doable. Heat it with a boiling water bath. Add lye and methanol. Shake a lot, keep it hot. Let it react. Pour off glycerine. I could do more research if you want, but shit, I made a little batch in my blender just to play around with it. It works pretty well.